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Shark Attacks Florida Map

Shark Attacks on the Rise in Florida

New research reveals Florida is the world's shark attack hotspot

Interactive map shows confirmed attacks from great whites, tiger sharks, and bull sharks

A new study has found that Florida is the world's shark attack hotspot, with more than 800 confirmed attacks since 1882. The study, published in the journal "Nature Scientific Reports," analyzed data from the Florida Museum of Natural History's International Shark Attack File (ISAF). The ISAF is the world's oldest and most comprehensive database of shark attacks.

The study found that the three most dangerous sharks in Florida are the great white shark, the tiger shark, and the bull shark. These three species account for more than 90% of all shark attacks in the state.

The study also found that shark attacks in Florida have been increasing in recent years. In the 1970s, there were an average of about 10 shark attacks per year in Florida. In the 2010s, that number had increased to an average of about 20 attacks per year.

The increase in shark attacks is likely due to a number of factors, including the growing human population in coastal areas and the increasing popularity of water sports. Sharks are often attracted to areas where there is a lot of human activity, such as beaches, jetties, and piers.

The study's findings are a reminder that sharks are dangerous animals and that we should take precautions when swimming in the ocean. We should always swim in designated areas, avoid swimming at night, and never swim alone. We should also be aware of the three most dangerous sharks in Florida and take extra precautions when swimming in areas where these sharks are known to be present.
